In order to administer the right kind of panic attack treatment to a person afflicted with this kind of anxiety disorder, one must have a good understanding of where his fears are indeed coming from. The most prominent symptom that a person may be suffering from agoraphobia is his morbid fear of going outside. People who are having this kind of condition are indeed terrified even at just the thought having them go outside their homes, and this fear brings about adverse effects on their social life. Usually they are settled staying inside the comfort of their own homes and brushes away the thought of ever going out. This kind of behavior in them stems from their fearful thought that something terrifying might happen to them if they dare go out. It can’t be considered plainly as a preconceived notion that something terrible is in waiting to happen to them if they are out, this exaggerated level of apprehension they feel is most of the time anchored to a traumatic experience. This particular experience they had in the past is the root of their agoraphobic symptoms.